Tuesday 7 February 2017

Bread Modak

 Bread Modak is a sweet dumpling popular in Maharashtra,We all like the sweet Bread Modak and dryfruits filling inside the modak.


Bread crumbs 1 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Ghee 2 tbsp
Sugar 1/2 cup
For Stuffing:-
Chopped Cashew 20
Chopped Almonds 20
Raisins 20
Chopped Pista 20
Deccicated Coconut 2 tbsp
Khoya 50 grm
                                                                                                        Sugar 2 tbsp
                                                                                                        (Mix all the ingredient then stuffing                                                                                                          is ready).

                                                                                                         Prep time:10
                                                                                                         Cook time:5


First take Breadcrumbs and mash with milk to prepare the dough,After with this dough prepare small chapati sized with the help of roller.
After that fill this chapati with Dry fruits and Mawa.
Fold this Chapati from all the sides and make the shape of Modak.
After that shallow fry this Modak in a pan.
After that coat it with caramalized sugar and then freeze it in Refrigerator for  20 min.
Now the Modak is ready.
Garnish with sesame seeds.      

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